
Annual Report 2018/19

Consolidated cash flow statement

Amounts in SEK ,000  
Cash flow from operating activities   
Profit/loss before financial items -19,397-66,883
Adjustment for items not included in cash flow2924,60157,944
Interest received 4783,239
Interest paid-464-1,587
Income tax paid-6,698-5,916
Cash flow from operating activities before change in working capital-1,480-13,203
Change in current operating receivables3,4486,122
Change in current operating liabilities-5,7874,547
Total change in working capital-2,33910,669
Cash flow from operating activities-3,819-2,534
Cash flow from investing activities  
Investments in tangible non-current assets15-4,373-1,005
Capitalized work-23,667-19,954
Acquisition of subsidiary after deduction of cash and cash equivalents acquired0-110,821
Change in securities019,018
Change in long-term receivables 2,2160
Cash flow from investing activities-25,824-112,762
Cash flow from financing activities   
Option scheme25-770
New share issue 0271,707
Short-term loan 015,556
Long-term loan -15,55615,556
Cash flow from financing activities-15,633302,819
Reduction/increase in cash and cash equivalents   
Cash flow for the year-45,276187,523
Exchange rate difference in cash and cash equivalents 2,2080
Opening cash and cash equivalents228,08340,560
Closing cash and cash equivalents 185,015228,083